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Silent Disco

Are you tired of this s$%t and just need to dance it off? Instead of spiritual bypassing... let's recognize that dealing with the current injustices of the world, never-ending inflation, and whatever else you might be carrying is f*cking hard and there is validity in taking care of yourself and DANCING!

Join us for an unforgettable evening of rhythm, movement, and connection at the Silent Disco by Kaleidisco, presented with love by Joy Collective Yoga Studio. Get ready to dance, flow, and groove to the beats in a unique and immersive experience.

Date: Monday, October 2nd
Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: Full Circle Book Coop

Silent Disco Sensation: Immerse yourself in a world of music like never before! Don a pair of wireless headphones that will transport you into your own musical world while dancing in unison with others. Choose your favorite channel and dance to the rhythms that resonate with you.

All Are Welcome

Tickets: $15 (Limited availability)


Mark your calendar, invite your friends, and prepare for an evening of unforgettable fun. We can't wait to share this magical night with you!

September 2

Daylily Weekend Pop-Up

October 14

Grounding Retreat